
Buy T-61 50ml Online



Buy T-61 50ml Online | T-61 50ml For Sale | Order T-61 50ml Online

Buy T-61 50ml Online, Injectable euthanasic agent. It combines a local anesthetic, a central nervous system depressant, and a paralytic agent.

1 ml of the solution contains:

Embutramide 200.00 mg Mebezonium
iodide 50.00 mg Tetracaine
hydrochloride 5.00 mg
Dimethyl formamide 566.67 mg
Water for injection 199.13 mg

Loss of consciousness and loss of muscle activity occur simultaneously, resulting in T61 an acceptable agent for euthanasia.

Embutramide has a powerful narcotic action that acts centrally causing a direct depression of the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures and paralyzes the respiratory center;
Mebenzonium iodide has similar action to curare (competitive inhibition of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors). It causes permanent depolarization to the motor endplate, blocking the transmission impulse from the nerves to the muscle fiber.
Tetracaine hydrochloride acts as a local anesthetic, which is positioned before the onset of brain death, after a few minutes after the intravenous, intracardiac or intrapulmonary injection has been administered.
Initially, the narcotic component of T61 takes effect, followed by paralysis of the respiratory muscles, induces a peripheral paralysis of skeletal and respiratory striated muscles, leading to rapid circulatory collapse.
Death judged by cortical electrical silence occurs rapidly (22-30 sec.) After the initiation of T61 injection, and precedes cardiac death by 2-3 minutes.

Intravenous, intrapulmonary and intracardiac routes. The most recommended is the intravenous route. Intravenous

dose in dogs and cats: 0.3-0.5 ml / kg
BW. Intrapulmonary dose for dogs up to 10 KPV: 7 ?? 10 ml.
For heavier dogs, it is recommended to initially administer 10ml via intrapulmonary injection, and once the animal is on its lateral ulna, administer a new dose of 3 ?? 10 ml either intrapulmonary or intracardiac.
Intrapulmonary dose for cats:
For kittens a few days old: 1ml
For cats up to 6 months: 3ml
For cats older than 6 months: 5ml
For cats over 5 Kg: 10 ml
The recommended dose for large animals is 4 ?? 6 ml / 50 KPV by intravenous injection. For small laboratory birds and rodents, 0.5-2 ml per animal (depending on size) via intrapulmonary injection.

When the T61 accidentally comes into contact with wounds or penetrates the skin or subcutaneous tissue of Humans, the following measures should be taken: washing the wound by squeezing strongly with water in the puncture area. Possible antidotes are neostigmine, and N-acetylcysteine ​​treatment (against liver damage). 

Composition for MSD – T 61, 50 ML

Each 1 ml contains: embutramide 200 mg, mebezoniumiodide 50 mg, tetracaine hydrochloride 5 mg

Indications for MSD – T 61, 50 ML

Solution for euthanasia of unconscious animals

Dosage and administration for MSD – T 61, 50 ML

– Dogs: Intravenous injection: 0.3 ml / kg. Intracardiac injection: Up to 10 kg: 7-10 ml / animal. Over 10 kg: 10 ml first , and as soon as the animal is lying, another dose of 3-10 ml , depending on the size of the animal, intrapulmonary or intracardiac.
– Cats: Intravenous injection: 0.3 ml / kg. Intracardiac / intrapulmonary injection: Cats of few days of life old: 1 ml / animal. Cats older than six months: 3 ml / animal. Cats older than six months of age: 5 ml / animal. Cats over 5 kg: 10 ml / animal. MSD – T 61, 50 ml
– Marten and other fur animals :Injection intracardiac / intrapulmonary 0.5 – 1 ml / animal.
– Horses and cattle not intended for animal or human consumption: Recommended dose of 4-6 ml/50 kg, injected intravenously.
– Other animals: Such as ornamental birds and small laboratory animals : 0.2 to 2 ml / animal

T-61 Euthanasia Solution 

This page contains information on T-61 Euthanasia Solution for veterinary use.
The information provided typically includes the following:

  • T-61 Euthanasia Solution Indications
  • Warnings and cautions for T-61 Euthanasia Solution
  • Direction and dosage information for T-61 Euthanasia Solution

T-61 Euthanasia Solution for MSD – T 61, 50 ML

This treatment applies to the following species:

Company: Merck Animal HealthEmbutramide, Mebezonium iodide, Tetracaine hydrochloride Injectable SolutionEUTHANASIA SOLUTION

DIN 00294039


Description for MSD – T 61, 50 ML

Each mL contains: 50ml


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